Wakeboarding Progress

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straight air
Ride over the kicker
Fs 180
Ride over the kicker and while in the air do a frontside 180


Back hand grabs front edge between bindings
Back hand grabs tail of the board
Back hand grabs nose of the board
Back hand grabs nose of board
Back hand grabs back edge of board at back foot
Front hand grabs front edge between bindings
Chicken salad
Front hand goes through the legs from front to back and grabs between bindings
Canadian bacon
Back hand goes through the legs from back to front and grabs betwwen bindings
Front hand goes through the legs from back to front and grabs betwwen bindings
Roast beef
Back hand goes through the legs from front to back and grabs between bindings
Front hand grabs back edge of board behind front binding
Front hand grabs back edge of board whie doing a backside shifty
Front hand grabs tail of board
Double grab
Two separate grabs in one jump

Kicker Spins

Fs 360 handle pass
Fs 360 no handle pass
Fs 540
Fs 720
Bs 180
Bs 360
Bs 540
Bs 720
Fs mummy wrap
A frontside 360 without letting go of the handle with the front hand
Bs mummy wrap 540
Landing a Bs 540 in the mummy wrap (think bs 180 handle pass into a mummy wrap 360)
3 to 1
frontside 360 pause and then backside 180
bs 1 bs 1
Backside 180 pause backside 180
olay 360
A backside 360 with the front hand on the handle above head


Ts Front roll
A toeside "front flip"
a Ts front roll with a frontside 180
a Ts front roll with a frontside 360
a Scarecrow that you then revert back to start position
Tootsie roll
A Ts front roll with a bs 180
Dum Dum
A ts front roll with a bs 360
Mexican roll
A Hs "front flip"
Mexican roll to fakie
A Mexican roll with a fs 180
Mexican roll to blind
A Mexican roll with a Bs 180
A Mexican roll with a Bs 360
Hs Front roll/tamedog
A Hs side flip going over the nose of the board (cartwheel)
Hs front to fakie
A front roll with a fs 180
Hs Front to blind
A front roll with a bs 180
Hs Slim chance
A front roll with a fs 360
Hs front blind mobe
A front roll with a bs 360
A hs back flip
Tantrum to blind
Tantrum with a bs 180
Tantrum to fakie
Tantrum with a fs 180
Tantrum with a olay 360
Moby dick
Tantrum with a bs 360
Half cab roll
Switch hs backflip with a fs 180
Back mobe/cab roll
Switch hs backflip with a fs 360
Ts Backroll
Ts backflip
Ts Backroll 180
Ts Backroll with a frontside 180
Pete rose
Ts Backroll with a frontside 360
G spot
Ts Backroll with a bs 180
Blind Pete
Ts backroll with a bs 360
raley with a fs 180
Blind judge
raley with a bs 180
Raley with a fs or bs 360

Misc kicker

drop and then catch the handle
Osmosis 360
bum slide
bum slide to blind
bum flip
hand drag
hand drag to blind
shifty to blind
fashion air
fashion air back 180
fashion air back 360
Ride cuffed into kicker
cuffed bs 360
cuffed bs 540
cuffed bs 720
cuffed slurpe
ride blind into kicker
blind Bs 180 (unravel)
blind back 1 back 1
blind bs 360
blind slurpe
While coming up the kicker blind throw a frontflip 180
wrapped bs 180
wrapped bs 360
wrapped bs 540
wrapped slurpe
ollie boardslide onto kicker
ollie backlip onto kicker
ollie 270 onto kicker
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